405 x 527 pixels - 55,9 KB
Gebirgsjäger as cover of "Die Woche" magazine

1023 x 872 pixels - 156 KB
Gebirgsjäger in their spare time

565 x 800 pixels - 112 KB
Bearded Gebirgsjäger

456 x 750 pixels - 91,1 KB
A wartime Agfa color slide of a Gebirgsjäger Hauptmann eating some bread ration

681 x 900 pixels - 210 KB
Maybe a Gebirgsjäger?

682 x 1023 pixels - 52,6 KB
Gebirgsjäger soldier

940 x 1263 pixels - 496 KB
Gebirgsjäger with his climbing equipment

449 x 612 pixels - 49,5 KB
This postcard shows a pre-war Gebirgsjäger, and probably pre-issue (1938) of the standard sleeve and cap Edelweiss. The stemless Edelweiss on his cap is a World War I Alpenkorps Edelweiss. As you noted, his waffenfarbe is for Gebirgsartillerie. The machine gun he is using is the Austrian MG-30
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