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Spanish "Division Azul" member with their flag

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These Tatar men are enthusiastic soldiers in the German army
The man having his wound dressed is a volunteer out of the ranks of Soviet POWs
The Cossack flag flies alongside that of Nazi Germany
Soldiers of the Legion des Volontaires Francais on the Eastern Front-1941
PK photograph of a Luftwaffe flak crewman looking over the regimental flag of the Legion des Volontaires Francais
members of Vlassov's 'Russian Wehrmacht'

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French volunteers of the Franzosische Freiwillige
Cossack cavalry
An officer from the Cossack regiment
A Wehrmacht officer welcomes a Cossack into his unit
A Tatar helps in firing a German mortar. The general in the center is Generalleutnant Heinz Hellmich, while the general at far left is Generalmajor Hellmuth Nickelmann
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