Sunday, August 29, 2010

German Wehrmacht Soldier's Training in Color

800 x 528 pixels - 89,5 KB
Luftwaffe training

800 x 528 pixels - 73,4 KB
Luftwaffe training

Monday, August 16, 2010

Generalmajor Erich Bärenfänger

270 x 346 pixels - 10,7 KB
Erich Bärenfänger

520 x 661 pixels - 76 KB
Erich Bärenfänger

General der Panzertruppe Hermann Balck

412 x 640 pixels - 34,9 KB
Hermann Balck wearing Schwerter

521 x 694 pixels - 32,9 KB
Hermann Balck

General der Infanterie Karl Allmendinger

582 x 865 pixels - 171 KB
Karl Allmendinger

583 x 877 pixels - 84,4 KB
Karl Allmendinger

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Leutnant Franz Wurdak

434 x 607 pixels - 43,9 KB
Franz Wurdak as Feldwebel der Reserve

Friday, August 6, 2010

German Motorcycles in Color

640 x 533 pixels - 167 KB
Smoking together after hours in the road. The dust is clearly visible in their faces!

742 x 486 pixels - 96,2 KB
Kradmelder wearing raincoats

1534 x 1124 pixels - 499 KB
A Russian-speaking German despatch rider stops to chat to Ukrainian women and old men getting in the harvest in the summer of 1942

736 x 960 pixels - 249 KB
Missing a headlight!

476 x 1000 pixels - 72 KB
Tired drivers sleeping in their vehicles

583 x 671 pixels - 103 KB
German soldier in motorcycle reading mixed road signs

640 x 467 pixels - 97,8 KB
bulgarian civilian giving water to a german army motocyclist (bulgaria 1942)


768 x 433 pixels - 54,3 KB
Thats me for today, Gute Nacht... This picture was taken during the advance in Russia (which measures over 9000 km to the depth). German soldiers of that time as the infantry marched Napoleon, 50 km daily average, but the intence that the fighting, producing exhaustion, every moment of rest was used for sleeping

476 x 1000 pixels - 72 KB
Tired drivers sleeping in their vehicles


650 x 887 pixels - 68,7
German railway artillery in action

750 x 468 pixels - 56 KB
Railway artillery in action

German Railway Artillery in Color

750 x 468 pixels - 56 KB
Railway artillery in action

592 x 1075 pixels - 440 KB
German Railway artillery engaged the enemy in the jungle

898 x 645 pixels - 100 KB
Flak railway gun

650 x 887 pixels - 68,7
German railway artillery in action

1024 x 790 pixels - 212 KB
Adolf Hitler inspect Schwerer Gustav, 1941. In this picture also visible Heinrich Himmler, Martin Bormann and Albert Speer

Courier and Messenger in the Front Line

650 x 919 pixels - 71 KB
Courier in the trenches

Marching, Line-Up, Parades and Convoy

1143 x 869 pixels - 555 KB
Wehrmacht soldiers marching to the front. One of them taking MG 34 on his shoulder

500 x 331 pixels - 43,6 KB
Marching to the front

650 x 542 pixels - 57,9 KB
German soldiers marching

898 x 605 pixels - 213 KB
A convoy in progress in the mediterranean, bound for Tripoli

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Generalleutnant Vollrath Lübbe

690 x 542 pixels - 69,2 KB
Vollrath Lübbe, commander of 2nd Panzer Division, and Walter Model

879 x 516 pixels - 79,2 KB
Walter Model with Generalleutnant Vollrath Lübbe

Admiral Theodor Krancke

479 x 640 pixels - 32,9 KB
Admiral Theodor Krancke

Leutnant der Reserve Heinrich Boigk

498 x 655 pixels - 39,9 KB
Heinrich Boigk

418 x 600 pixels - 68,4 KB
Heinrich Boigk

600 x 945 pixels - 61,7 KB
Heinrich Boigk signature

517 x 583 pixels - 108 KB
Heinrich Boigk holding Luger

700 x 468 pixels - 95 KB
Heinrich Boigk preparing strategy

Monday, August 2, 2010

Nazi Studio Pictures in Color

2130 x 1554 pixels - 239 KB
Two Sonderführer member with SS